Traditional Ice Block Mould |
It is still hot enough to make a batch of ice blocks! They are super easy to make and the kids love to both help you make them and eat them. You can take the straight forward route and just pour a bottle of juice into your mould or you can make your own mix. The hardest part is finding a mould in Qatar!
I use two types of moulds. The first is just the traditional old fashioned ice block mould. My one is one I bought back with me from NZ.
Twist Up Ice Block Mould |
The Second type is the twist up type. I got mine from Lakekland in City Center. These are great for little children as you wind them up as you go so you don't end up with sticky melted ice block everywhere.
For those of you who have a Aramex account you can easily find these online and they are pretty light so can't be too expensive to ship. You can get all sorts of funky moulds shaped like rockets and umbrellas. If you are looking on overseas web sites they might be called iced lollys.
If you are using juice you will be suprised at how little you need. Usually a small bottle (one cup) will fill up all your moulds. If you are following a recipe it should tell you how much you need.
The most popular recipe in our house is Lemonade! It is very easy - mix 1/4 cup lemon juice with 1/2 cup of icing sugar until all the sugar is disolved. Add one cup of soda water and pour mixture into your moulds. It will fill 6 - 8 moulds depending on the size of your moulds. Put the lid on the moulds and put in the frezzer. They will freeze in a couple of hours.